Yema is quite a popular Pinoy Recipe dessert in the Philippines. It is a candy made out of milk and other ingredients. This is sweet, milky, and gooey. It’s so good it melts in your mouth. This yema recipe is so easy to make and is very affordable. I remember when I was in grade school, I would sell this candy discreetly during class. I got caught only once so I think I was pretty good at it :)

To make this yema recipe, you are going to need a can of condensed milk, two egg yolks, two teaspoons of brown sugar, and a tablespoon of butter. Then you are going to mix the egg yolk, condensed milk, and brown sugar.

Mix them really good until it is well blended. After that, you can now heat up some butter in a pan.

After the butter has melted, you can now add the batter mixture and make sure you set the heat on low. Then you have to mix it nonstop. The reason why is because you don’t want it to burn.

You will know that it is cooked when it gets really really sticky. Once it’s done, you have to set it aside before you wrap it in a cellophane if that’s how you’re gonna do it.

Once it’s cool down, you can now start wrapping it or shaping it into a ball. And that is how you make this wonderful Pinoy Recipe dessert of yema.

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